Explanatory Visualizations

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This page contains the study materials used in the paper:

Titus Barik, Kevin Lubick, Samuel Christie, and Emerson Murphy-Hill. "How Developers Visualize Compiler Messages: A Foundational Approach to Notification Construction". IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2014), Victoria, Canada.

Study Protocol

  1. NC State IRB Approval for Study (PDF)
  2. Questionnaire (PDF)
  3. Phase 1: Explanation Tasks
  4. Cognitive Dimensions Survey
  5. Phase 2: Recall Tasks

Phase 1: Explanation Tasks

  1. Visual Markings Cheat Sheet, Treatment Group Only (PDF)
Task Control Treatment Printed
Apple Control Treatment Printed
Brick Control Treatment Printed
Kite Control Treatment Printed
Melon Control Treatment Printed
Trumpet Control Treatment Printed
Zebra Control Treatment Printed

Phase 2: Recall Tasks

Results (n = 28)

Scanned Results

  1. Cognitive Dimensions
  2. Questionnaire

Scanned Explanatory Drawings

  1. Apple
  2. Brick
  3. Kite
  4. Melon
  5. Trumpet
  6. Zebra

For corrections, please contact Titus Barik ([email protected]).

Last updated: October 12, 2014